Learning Theories, Social Cognitive Theory

Social learning Theory is a very comprehensive model for studying human behavior, and is based on the assumption that people learn from watching others. As an automotive instructor, behavior modeling is absolutely necessary for not only demonstrating certain skills, but for mentoring such things as attitude, reasoning, and culture. This “hidden curriculum” is just as important to a students success in the work force as is their actual skill set. For e Learning, with multi-generational, and multi cultural classes, I feel it  would be important to incorporate a mixture of team building group activities, that allow everyone to share their experience, attitudes and culture.( This could range from making a animated video about a given topic,  to open discussions on a forum). I would also have individual projects, (such as essays, or making a webinar) that would hopefully suit different individuals learning preferences.We have discovered through behavioral psychologists l like Bandura that, although your environment is a key factor in your social development, the individual person, (and therefore cognition), is just as important. Today, this theory can be a powerful tool in the digital age through the use of mass media. It is not just having an effect on the individual, but also influencing a societies behavior in such areas as public health, marketing, religion and of course, education.





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